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Remote Counseling/Telehealth
(Online and Phone Counseling)

COVID-19 has brought remote therapy to the forefront. The mental health industry has been using web-based services, also called distance therapy. Online counseling is a way to communicate with a mental health professional, via the internet, by means of video call via Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom, or other remote methods.
Remote counseling, or Telehealth, is a wonderful way to build a counseling relationship, especially during a pandemic, with the need for social distance, ensuring your health and safety.
Similar to traditional counseling, online counseling offers access to a qualified and experienced counselor, from the privacy of your own home.
Online counseling is confidential, affordable, convenient, and accessible. Using the internet for professional counseling is increasing popularity, as many people choose to pursue ongoing counseling sessions to achieve life changes and work through challenges.
Telehealth is usually not appropriate for clients, who are currently in a situation of crisis and that are in need of high levels of support and intervention.
Phone sessions
Phone sessions are available upon request, and offered after an initial video or face-to-face meeting.