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I met Galit about a year in a half ago. I was going through a hard time in my life, because I wasn't comfortable with myself and with my sexual orientation. I randomly made an appointment with her. On the first visit, I finally was able to let loose and come out to her. From that point, after my first visit, she helped me immensely. Helping me to be comfortable with myself was the most important thing, and she helped me get to that point relatively quickly. She helped me work through fears of coming out to my family and eventually to my now ex-wife. What was amazing was that she was able to help my ex-wife. She was going through a really hard time after I told her that I was gay. We went together for a few times and that really helped both of us become closer with a new relationship. After moving on from my marriage, it was time to really work on myself and find an amazing guy without moving too fast. After a few months of dating, I met an amazing guy. She helped me take it slowly with him and really work on our relationship to make it grow. As of right now, I am the happiest I have ever been in my life! I have a great job, an amazing partner, and the most important of all is that I am happy with myself! I don’t think I could have gotten to the point that I am today without Galit. Anybody would be lucky to have her advice and experience! AW
Ms. Ribakoff provided my husband and I with a safe space to reconnect after a tragedy in our relationship. She personalized our therapy according to how we were growing and changing as a result of the work we were doing. Not only do I feel that I have gained a new approach to my relationship with my husband, but I have awakened to a new understanding of relationships and communication in general. The best part of working with Ms. Ribakoff is that she guides you through your own journey, where you have to do the work, thus the lessons learned stay with you. I always believed in therapy as a theory, but I had never tried it before. Now I understand the tremendous value of an impartial third party, especially during times of unnerving change. I will be forever grateful for my time with Ms. Ribakoff. JD
I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have given me. You have provided me with the precious tools I never knew I had. These tools have allowed me to transform myself, as well as my marriage, into what they desperately needed to be.
Sincerely, WT
Galit is a wonderful counselor who truly helps people better themselves. After going through a rough period in my life, she helped me look into myself to become a better person. She gave me techniques I use in my every day. I don't know where I would be today without her help and I am in a really good place in my life now. In addition to being a great professional, she provides clients with a comfortable setting where they feel comfortable talking to her and truly listens to everything that is said. I am so glad I found Galit and am grateful to have met her. RW
When I first met Galit Ribakoff, if you had asked me on any typical day, I would have said I had a good control of my life in general. I have a stable home, good career that I enjoy, and a reliable and trustworthy group of friends, that I trust and can rely on always. However, I did have one issue that despite the situation in the rest of my life, I had no idea how to handle. This issue was causing a negative effect on my personal outlook, and was causing stress that I couldn't find the strength to handle.
Through the time I spent working with Ms. Ribakoff I thought my goal was leaning how to confront my problem. I found out that I was really learning about myself, discovering who I really was, outside of all the other facets of my life. I learned that I was allowing, and even welcoming this issue to affect me in a negative way, rather than taking control and preventing it from affecting me. It really boiled down to learning to place my own happiness and goals, first.
Once I learned to evaluate my life and situation from a "what makes me happy?" point of view, I was able to finally build my way up to confront my issue, and I succeeded in taking control of my own happiness.
Thank you Ms. Ribakoff, not for solving my problem for me, but for guiding and showing me that I had it inside me all since the beginning. JH
I was blessed to have Galit Ribakoff as my counselor. My personal history involves many years of abuse (verbal, sexual, physical and mental) by multiple perpetrators.
Over my teen and adult years I have gone to approximately eight counselors, who all wanted to focus on the sexual abuse. Having dealt with it on different levels with varying degrees of success, I was still bogged down with an overwhelming sense that no one could ever truly love me or accept me as who I am. Therefore, I was still living a life of depression and self-fulfilling negative prophesies.
When I started seeing Galit I was trying to hide in a 460+ pound body and dressing as if I were in mourning. I started having weekly sessions with Galit. I was immediately comfortable in her presence and was able to open up to her in ways I was never able to do with any other counselor.
Within a few weeks, my overall attitude was changing and I was beginning to take better physical care of myself. Through positive affirmations and discussions about the real root of my low self-esteem, I began to change, grow, and improve. In the 10-11 months I was in counseling with Galit, I lost about 85 pounds, started dressing in pretty colors, and gained a better opinion of myself.
For the first time in my life, I can honestly say that I love myself and want to continue to improve myself. I am convinced that this growth was nurtured and encouraged by Galit. If anyone asks me for a recommendation of a counselor, I will immediately give them Galit Ribakoff’s name and contact information. It is my opinion that she is a gifted and talented counselor with a real empathy for her clients.
Sincerely, GT